Business Update: Platform Launch
CEO Message
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all doing great.
We are now coming towards the end of the alpha testing for the platform. We have got lots of great feedback and future feature ideas. Thanks to everyone who took part.
This week we will showcase the new Flash Loans trailer video which will form part on the new marketing campaign launching soon.
Platform — We have unfortunately got another small delay to announce before the platform goes live. The new Go Live date is March the 16th. This is due to the following reasons:
- New platform integration — 1 Inch exchange
- Gas fee optimisation — still some improvements to be made here to make the tx as cheap as possible
- Final bug removal off the back of the alpha test feedback
Thank you all for your support.
Flashloans is a new DeFi tool that allows users to create and perform a Flash loan backed trade from an easy to use UI. For more information go to
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